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Today’s Mortgage Rates

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These rates are current as of Tuesday, July 9, 2024 10:32 AM PST
Legal Disclosures
  • General Information Only: The information displayed on the "All Rates" page is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute financial advice. Users are encouraged to consult with a mortgage or financial professional before making any decisions.
  • Not a Loan Offer: Nothing on the "All Rates" page should be construed as a loan offer or approval. The rates provided are based on average market conditions and may not reflect the actual rate available to you.
  • Accuracy of Information: While we endeavor to keep the information on this page up-to-date and accurate, rates are subject to change without notice, and we make no representations or warranties of any kind about the completeness, reliability, or accuracy of the rates provided.
  • Limitation of Liability: Under no circumstances will we be liable for any loss or damage, including without limitation, indirect or consequential loss or damage, arising from the use of, or reliance on, the information on the "All Rates" page.
  • Use at Own Risk: Any reliance you place on the information found on the "All Rates" page is strictly at your own risk. Users should always verify rates with a qualified professional or lender before making decisions or commitments.
  • Copyright: All content, including text, graphics, logos, and information, is the property of Pacificwide Real Estate & Mortgage and is protected by copyright laws. Reproduction or redistribution is strictly prohibited without our express written consent.
Lenders determine rates based on certain foundational criteria. For all displayed rates, unless mentioned otherwise, the following assumptions apply:
  • Loan amount: $600000
  • Property value: $800000
  • Credit score: 759
  • Total annual pre-tax income: $143,000
  • Property type: Single family
  • Occupancy: Primary residence
  • Loan type: Conventional for 30-year fixed, 25-year fixed, 15-year fixed, USDA 30-year fixed, VA for VA 30-year fixed and FHA for FHA 30-year fixed
  • Compensation: Borrower paid
  • Zip code: 95122
Each individual's circumstances vary. These parameters serve as a general guideline and may not perfectly align with the precise terms of your loan. This does not constitute a binding loan offer.


Learn about rates and mortgages

What are mortgage rates, and why are they important?

Mortgage rates represent the interest you're charged on a home loan, and they are expressed as an annual percentage. They are pivotal because they directly impact your monthly mortgage payments and the total amount you'll pay for your home over the life of the loan. A small change in the rate can significantly affect your payments and overall cost.

How do mortgage rates fluctuate, and what causes these changes?

Mortgage rates can be influenced by a myriad of factors. Internationally, they might be affected by global economic conditions and policies of major central banks. Domestically, factors such as inflation, economic growth, and the policies of a country's central bank play significant roles. Additionally, individual factors like your credit score, the type of property, and the amount of your down payment can affect the rate you're offered.

What's the difference between fixed-rate and adjustable-rate mortgages (ARMs)?

A fixed-rate mortgage means the interest rate remains constant for the entirety of your loan term, giving you predictable monthly payments. On the other hand, an ARM has an interest rate that adjusts periodically. This adjustment is typically tied to a specific financial index. While ARMs might offer lower initial rates, they carry the risk of the rate (and your payment) increasing in the future.

Are the rates displayed on this page the definitive rates I'll receive?

The rates shown here are average market rates meant to provide a general overview. Your specific rate could differ based on multiple factors, including but not limited to, your credit history, the loan amount, type of property, and market conditions. It's always advisable to speak with a mortgage advisor for a tailored rate quote.

Are there hidden costs or fees associated with these mortgage rates?

Mortgage rates are just one component of the total cost of a home loan. There can be various fees such as origination fees, appraisal fees, and closing costs. Always inquire about the full range of fees associated with a particular mortgage product to ensure transparency and avoid surprises.

How can I lock in a mortgage rate, and why is it crucial?

Locking in a rate means securing a specific interest rate before it rises. To do this, you usually begin the loan application process and formally request a rate lock from your lender. This process is vital as it ensures your rate won't change between the time you're approved for the loan and the time you close on your home, giving you certainty in terms of your future monthly payments. We recommend every prospective homeowner to "Schedule a call" with our Loan Officer to ensure they understand all facets of their mortgage agreement. If you have further questions, we're here to assist!

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Pacificwide is a Bay Area real estate & mortgage company that serves all your homeownership needs, NMLS Unique Identifier #272883. ©2023 Pacificwide Real Estate & Mortgage. All Rights Reserved.

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